President's Message 2023
Date: Thu Oct 27, 2022 2:10 pm Topic: Burlington Oldtimers Slo-Pitch News
Hello Burlington Oldtimers!
If you are not aware we just hosted our AGM this past Tuesday and we have voted in your 2023 Board of directors. We had a healthy attendance who voted in your 9 board members.
I’d like to welcome the newest board members in no particular order:
Erwin Mendoza
Chris Waters
Mark Riley
Grant Connelly
David Quinn
I’d like to welcome back in no particular order:
Dale Latendresse
Kevin Roseneck
Brad Hazledine
And a huge thank you to Brian Bishop, Mike Maycock and Scott Sinclair for the support on the board for the last several years, we look to take the items we have learned and carry them over to 2023.
I was appointed president by the current board members. Thank you all for having the trust in me to run this league with all of your support! For those who do not know me……shame on you….and those that do……I’m sorry Smile
I have been with the BOSL since 2014 and have been a captain and board member and sometimes both at the same time since 2016. My involvement and level of devotion to this league and membership is hopefully transparent to everyone but if not you will see that this year. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out.
The board's involvement with the league’s future is never completed and we are looking to start the 2023 discussions about the season next week. The first action items are discussing our local charity for 2023 so if you have any suggestions please reach out to me so we can discuss it.
We will be looking for captains this year as we want to get back to 16 teams so if you are looking to run a team please let me know.
Steve Bourke
BOSL President